In a move to help residents find out sooner and more easily what the assessed value of their property is, Miami-Dade Property Appraiser Carlos Lopez-Cantera has posted this information to the Property Appraisers website. In the past this information was not available until mid – late August, when the TRIM, or Truth In Millage notices, would get mailed out.
In addition to an easy to search link that tells the resident their property’s assessed value, the homeowner can also download an assessment review form so they can contest the valuation, and schedule an appointment for an assessment review. Qualified staffers will be available to meet with property owners to review their concerns about 2013 assessments and “They are empowered to make reductions on the spot,” Lopez-Canera said.
This is a way to try and alleviate some of the backlog with the current, more formal appeal process where a homeowner must file for such with the Value Adjustment Board. The Value Adjustment Board is just now beginning to handle a backlog of 2012 cases.
This means of making the process easier and creating other ways to accomplish the objective at hand, is just one more way the Miami-Dade County Property Appraiser’s office has been cutting edge in the way they tackle their mission statement, and show their leadership in making their functions more helpful, efficient and transparent.
The Miami-Dade County Property Appraisers office has one of the most often visited websites in the United States, and offers all sorts of information, resources and details on their site. Their site is – notice the buttons in the middle of the screen where you can search for your property to get the assessed value and other important information, a button to download the assessment review form and even a button to schedule an appointment for the informal review. Also, if you look around on the site you can see you are able to Pay Real Estate Taxes, inquire and learn about the Truth In Millage notices, review frequently asked questions, file Homestead Exemptions, learn about the Value Adjustment Board and so much more.
Truly a great resource whenever searching for Miami Properties or doing other Real Estate Research.