0 Bring it, Beckham!

soccer stadium

If you have read our blog posts, you probably picked up on the fact that RE/MAX Paradise has some pretty serious soccer fans. We are beyond excited about David Beckham bringing a Major League Soccer team to Miami, but not just because we love soccer. We’re also thrilled about the impressive plans for the stadium, as well as the tremendous economic impact the team, and all that comes along with it, will have on Miami, and of course, the Miami Beach real estate market.

Beckham’s group is hoping to build the open-air stadium on the port’s Dodge Island with sweeping views of the downtown skyline and bayfront. The group’s plans don’t stop there though. The group also hopes to build a public plaza near the water and wants to connect the stadium and plaza to downtown with a pedestrian bridge. Oh, and there is more.

The goal is to have restaurants and shops surround the plaza, as well as a nightclub and possibly a museum. And, the team will use the plaza to offer outdoor movies, concerts, World Cup broadcasts, and other events throughout the year. We’re definitely on board, Mr. Beckham! We hope the development plans pan out, and we are optimistic that if they do, the welcome additions to the city will add remarkable value to Miami property downtown, in Brickell, and in South Beach.

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