The Miami Association of Realtors (MAR) has almost 200 international partnerships. MAR recognizes that Miami is a premier destination, and it creates these partnerships to encourage cross-border real estate transactions. We were excited to learn that MAR recently forged an alliance with the Real Estate Institute of New South Wales, which happens to be Australia’s largest association for real estate agents. This is MAR’s first partnership in Australia.
Recent migration reports show that many Australians are moving to the United States, but many of them end up in California or New York. Apparently, quite a few Americans relocate to Australia as well. We encourage our Aussie friends to consider relocating to South Florida! In addition to a solid economy, Miami real estate prices are a lot more affordable than most states. Plus, Florida and Australia have a lot in common, especially Miami and Australia’s major cities. Both places boast pristine beaches, laid-back lifestyles, and an abundance of outdoor activities. Many of the current buyers in South Florida are foreign buyers focusing on obtaining Miami investment properties, but we haven’t seen many from Australia. Hopefully, this partnership will change that!