If you live in a South Beach condo you know that staying fit and healthy is a huge part of the South Beach lifestyle. The devotion to healthy eating and an active lifestyle is so prevalent that a cardiologist named his eating plan the South Beach Diet. If you haven’t heard of it or aren’t familiar with its core principles, this particular plan focuses on replacing bad carbs and fats with good carbs and fats. Of course, there are critics of the South Beach plan, which tends to be the case for pretty much any new way of thinking about food and eating. The South Beach diet may not be for everyone, but plenty of people can attest to its efficacy.
Even if the South Beach Diet isn’t your eating plan of choice, there are other aspects of the South Beach lifestyle that promote health and wellness. For example, South Beach residents log a lot more time walking than residents of other neighborhoods in Miami and many other cities. The South Beach neighborhood encompasses an area that is approximately 2.5 square miles, making it a very walkable location. In fact, South Beach is one of the areas in greater Miami where an individual probably doesn’t even need a car. Everything a person needs is within a very short radius. For anyone needing to venture beyond the borders of South Beach, the city offers Deco Bike, which is Miami Beach’s official bike sharing and rental program. In addition to being a healthier way to move around the city, it’s more environmentally friendly!
Obviously, there is so much more to the South Beach lifestyle than eating healthy and engaging in regular physical activity. The overall neighborhood vibe is very laid back, and most residents operate at a pace that’s a lot more relaxed than other urban centers. Anyone strolling along one of the main avenues is bound to see cafes with outdoor seating full of jovial patrons sipping on coffee in the morning or cocktails in the evening. South Beach dwellers know how to take care of themselves and enjoy life! It’s not surprising that a lot of folks from the northeast are eager to escape daily commutes, harsh winters, and all of the hustle and bustle in exchange for South Beach’s tranquility. For anyone looking to live it up South Beach style, please contact us so we can help you get settled.