0 Texting Rules of the Road

In an era of heightened communication between agents and clients, there are some tips on etiquette you might want to familiarize yourself with. According to research conducted by the California Association of Realtors, potential buyers would rather be contacted by their agent via text – not telephone. This shift in consumer preferences has taken place in the last decade, and is an important factor in obtaining and retaining clients. The following advice is given by the California Association of Realtors concerning how to professionally interact with clients via text:

  1. Before sending the first text, make sure that you get your client’s permission and that the client is comfortable with you texting them
  2. Set limits with the client on what acceptable times to text are
  3. Adjust your written tone to sound as you would in person
  4. Avoid lengthy paragraphs that may potentially overwhelm the client, but also be sure to clearly convey your message
  5. And most importantly, always be professional in your communication with clients or potential clients. Avoid using informal texting lingo like LOL, L8TR, or 2MRW

By following these simple guidelines you can ensure effective and professional interactions with your clients.

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