This past Thursday Nationwide Economics released an analysis that confirmed what many have been praying for since the early 2000s; the national market has returned to pre-recession vitality. Nationwide devised this report as part of a planned quarterly series of updates on the health of the market, called the Health of Housing Markets Report, and this recent installment is the first of them. This analysis uses a measurement known as the Leading Index of Healthy Housing Markets (LIHHM), which evaluates the national market based on a variety of current health indicators as opposed to the more common method of just looking at prices or sales.
This Nationwide analysis indicated that the national market is currently at the healthiest level it has been in 14 years, and is presently comparable to how it was during 2001. The report confirms people’s hopes that the recession is indeed over for the real estate market and that finally we are back on stable ground. This prognosis was determined by the national LIHHM, which was 109.8 for 2014, the highest it has been since 2001. According to economists, an LIHHM value of 100 is proof of a healthy housing market, and the higher up from 100 the LIHHM is the healthier the market is. Therefore, an LIHHM value of 109.8 confirms that the market is not only stable but prosperous, and it’s steady incline recorded over the pat few years suggests that this growth is likely to continue though the coming months.
This report marks the end of the long struggle American’s faced following the recent housing market bust, and a turning point for many people who had since been wary about investing in real estate. It is not unlikely that this proof of the market’s stability will further invigorate it, because now buyers have the confirmation they needed to pull the trigger on that property they had been eyeing for a while. Now is the time to invest in real estate while the market is on the rise, and what better place to do so than the equally prosperous South Florida? Miami and the surrounding areas are booming with development in response to the growing reputation of the city as the ideal spot for both business and pleasure. If you are interested in finding your own South Florida oasis then now is the time to start looking. Contact a RE/MAX agent today and they would be happy to help you find the property that best meets your specific needs!