0 Americans Moving South in Flocks

americans moving southIt’s official: the South is the place to move to. According to RealtyTrac, there is a rising number of Americans moving south. Who can blame them? They are lured by the beautifully warm weather, less congested metro areas, lower taxes, and affordable housing.

Since 2014, a whopping 1.4 million Americans have moved to the Sun Belt. Many of these people left the Midwest and Northeast, most likely leaving bitter winters and pricey living behind. For more than a century, migration trends headed out West. However now, watch out LA: the South is the place to go.

“This 20th century movement west, which has dominated American demographic patterns for decades, may now be reversing itself in the 21st century as rising housing costs, stagnant job creation, restrictive land-use laws and no-tax states pull Californians, Midwesterners and Northeasterners eastward and southward to less costly regions and more business-friendly states in the Sun Belt,” RealtyTrac’s report notes.

While the South and Sun Belt are fairly large areas, Florida has been one of the most popular spots in recent years with hundreds of thousands of Americans moving there. The Sunshine State is attracting many movers getting out of New York and away from congestion, cold, and costly living.

According to RealtyTrac, “For the first time in almost a decade, Florida added more people than California between July 2014 and July 2015, reported the Census Bureau. Florida gained 365,703 people, leapfrogging over New York to become the nation’s third most populous state, after California and Texas.”

Who can blame all of these Americans moving South? Clearly, Florida has the best weather around. However, just as importantly, it is an economical move. Less expensive relative to other states, you can get a better bang for your buck with our amazing Miami homes while loving a cheaper cost of living in a city that is just as worldly and happening.

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