Posts by Sean:

0 Second Home Demand Soars Amidst Global Pandemic

Demand for second homes is on the rise, even as some Americans face financial hardships due to the pandemic. For many affluent American’s, the prospect of a second home is now more tempting than ever due to low interest rates, high amounts of time spent at home, and the increased relocation flexibility due to remote …Read more »

0 Miami Beach Vacation Rental Regulations for COVID-19

Are Vacation Rentals Currently Permitted in Miami Beach? As the situation continues to evolve in the United States with COVID-19, Florida’s regulations around short-term vacation rentals continue to evolve as well. June 16th Miami Beach Short Term Rental Update: According to Miami Beach’s Phase 2 Reopening Order and Emergency Measures, short-term rentals and vacation rentals …Read more »

0 Are Over Half of Miami Beach’s Airbnb Listings Illegal?

Illegal Airbnb Listings are Rampant in Miami Beach Miami Beach carries the highest penalties in the country for illegal short term rentals with fines starting at $20,000 for a first offense and increasing up to $100,000. Regardless, illegal short term rentals remain rampant in Miami Beach, particularly on sites such as Airbnb. By cross-referencing data …Read more »